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Lean PhD

Lean PhD

Regular price $49.99 USD
Regular price Sale price $49.99 USD
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MAN Sports - Lean PhD is more than just your high stimulant - all day energy fat burner. It is a meticulously thought out fat loss strategy supplement. We say this because Lean PhD works in four different unique ways to help you maximize your fat loss results, and the more ways you can cross off the better.

1). Fat Oxidation - It will increase your body's rate of fat oxidation, meaning the dietary fat calories you consume will be turned into to energy much faster. This will give you a sense of natural energy, and usually makes you feel lighter on your feet on a day to day basis.

2). Anti Cortisol - Most fat burners out there don't even bother with lowering cortisol, but Lean PhD does! With lower cortisol levels your body will be in a better environment to lose fat, hormonally. Lower cortisol also means less stress, better sleep, and faster recovery.

3). Energy & Mood Enhancement - When you are taking a fat burner you should be in a calorie deficit. When you're at a calorie deficit you usually feel hungry, and like you have less energy. Lean PhD has you covered with its energy & mood enhancement blend that'll have you feeling energized for hours, making you forget about how hungry you are, and getting you through the day more efficiently without having to worry about those stubborn food cravings.

4). Water Drop & Natural Anti Bloat Formula - Water weight plays a huge roll in fat loss, and how you generally feel on a day to day basis. You want your body to be hydrated but you don't want to feel bloated, which is always why you should be drinking at least one gallon of water per day. However, Lean PhD will make those frustrating bloated days fewer and far between, and that's important because the happier you feel on a daily basis the more likely you are to reach your pinnacle physique goals. Confidence is key.

Contains Caffiene: One serving of Lean PhD contains 300mg of naturally sourced caffiene. 

Product Highlights:

  • 30 day supply
  • Fat oxidation
  • Anti Cortisol 
  • Energy & Focus
  • Water Loss & Anti Bloat 


  • As a dietary supplement consume four capsules of Lean PhD in the morning, around the time of your first meal.
  • Beginners may want to access their tolerance by starting with only two capsules per day for the first few days. 
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Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Jacob Klein
Fair priced and on time!

Product arrived on time and earlier than expected, and the price is cheaper than other companies that have it 🔥


Arrived so fast and love this product

Madelyn Almonte

Lean PhD